Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Net Neutrality? AT&T Asks for Curbs on Google

Click Here for WSJ Online Article


WASHINGTON -- AT&T Inc. alleged Friday that Google Inc.'s Google Voice service is improperly preventing consumers from calling certain phone numbers, in violation of federal call-blocking rules.

What’s good for the Goose (or Google), should be good for the Gander.  Net Neutrality cannot be applied or invoked when it is convenient based upon a competitive dispute.  Either we all subscribe to and adhere to the tenants of Net Neutrality or we don’t.  Does AT&T eat it’s own dog food?  att logo

Google's view of Net Neutrality, what is your view? 

google logoThe Internet is here now and we have to deal with it’s governance.


Si tu id aeficas, ei venient. Ager somnia

(If you build it, they will come)

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