Saturday, September 05, 2009

5 More Facebook, Twitter Scams to Avoid

Click Here for CISO Article

It’s certainly not a new concern, it’s just the latest.  The Facebook community is no more immune to spammers, scammers and spyware purveyors than any other place.  Twitter tweeters, are regularly subjected to “Get-Rich Quick” proposals and voluptuous followers, all inviting the user to click their way to success or “whatever”

The popularity of URL shortners (partly driven by Twitter’s 140 character limit) has made these schemes harder to initially detect.  Without some clever detective work, the real name of the endpoint site is concealed until after you click through.  As a result, it is more likely that you will click through to these scheme sites, but its too late.

Please read through the article.  There should be a few key takeaways that the readers needs to embrace:

-Don’t give out your Credit Card over the phone or on a site unless you can truly trust the merchant and know exactly what product or service you are getting.  Defining Trust might mean you have to do some due diligence.  If that signals too much work for you, consider strongly, NOT to give out your Credit Card #.

-Be wary of exciting, titillating or humanitarian offers that might exploit a public crisis like Health Alerts, Amber Alerts, etc. (I am not being cynical, just cautious)

-Don’t be so quick to respond to unknown users that “comment” on your post

-Change your Account passwords on a regular basis, don’t use the same passwords on numerous other sites and use Strong Passwords that include Capital Letters and Alphanumeric Characters.

Use Common Sense for the Internet

Caveat Emptor


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